Flooring Cut Nail
- Steel Cut Nail - Flooring - 3D - 1 1/4" L
- Hardened Finish
- 5 lb. Box - Approx. 243 per .lb
- Recommended for laying tongue and groove hardwood flooring.
- Blind/Toe-Nailing only - Do not use this nail for face-nailing softwood flooring because the head is too small.
- Proudly made in the USA
All Tremont nails are made on original 19th century and early 20th century nail machines, this may lead to variation in head shape and slight differences in nail length. This variation is accepted as standard in the industry.
Blind Nailing - Nailing at a 45 degree angle from the butt-end of the board, which may be flat-surface, ship-lap, or tongue-and-groove. Nails used in this fashion usually have small heads and are not visible when the installation is completed. Also called toe-nailing, the sole purpose of nailing in this manner is functional rather then aesthetic.
Determine the nail spacing requirements for your hardwood flooring, based on the width of the floorboards. Boards 2 to 2 3/4 inches wide need one nail every 8 to 10 inches. Boards 3 to 3 3/4 inches wide require a nail every 6 to 8 inches. Boards 4 to 7 inches wide need one nail every 6 inches
Tremont Nail [CFH3V] Flooring Cut Nail:
Tremont Nail Cut Spike Nail Usage Suggestion: